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Execution Division Constitutes Courts Users Committee
Hon. Justice Gaswaga (3rd from the Left) with the Court Users Committee

KAMPALA: The Execution and Bailiffs Division of the High Court on Wednesday (September 25, 2019) launched its Court Users Committee.

This was during the first stakeholders meeting at the Division presided over by the Division Head, Hon.Justice Duncan Gaswaga.

The Committee was launched ahead of the Division's first Court Open Day, which would take place in October, and will be sitting on a quarterly basis.

The Committee is comprised of representatives from the Inspectorate of Government,Directorate of Public Prosecution, Attorney General, Administrator General, The Police, Prisons, Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs, associations of court bailiffs and process servers.

Hon. Justice Gaswaga explained that the Committee would help the Division improve on its service delivery through formulation of policies and guidelines, reduction of case backlog, training, ICT, and other strategies informed by the court users themselves.

"We are fighting case backlog using different means and this process must be participatory. We want you to be involved," he said.

He appealed to the stakeholders to help in devising solutions to the many challenges faced by the Division, of which backlog is the biggest.

The meeting identified other challenges such as; forgery of court documents and signatures, implementation of wrong orders, failure or under declaration of proceeds, under valuation of property, objection to court orders from various state agencies.

Equally noted was lack of professionalism, corruption and lack of transparency during sale of attached property.

Hon. Justice Gaswaga stressed the need for cooperation so that the Division can handle the challenges in-house.

During a tour of the court premises, different stakeholders appreciated the engagement and the changes especially in the registry. Mr. James Jemba, from the IGG,commended the Court's administration for the timely service delivery at the court in the recent past, especially in locating files.

Posted 26th, September 2019
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